Thursday, January 14, 2010

17 Months

Today Colton turns 17 months old. Yesterday, I realized how tall he's getting and felt a pang of nostalgia for when he was an infant. He's just growing up so fast.

Colton now points to what he wants and makes a sound similar to the seagulls who said "mine" in Finding Nemo, when he asks for something. He can say six words, including "mama", "dada", "dog", "hi", "no", and "bye-bye". He also pretends to talk on the phone, which is the most hilarious thing to watch, and points the remote at the tv. He loves to clap along to music and right after a song is over, too.

Our big boy is getting good at feeding himself with a fork and spoon, and actually eats more of what's on his plate if it's stabbed with a fork first. He also tries to get his own socks and shoes on. Colton loves to feed Tess her dog food, one kibble at a time, and shares his food with both her and us. He can stand confidently all by himself now, and last Thursday, he took his first steps!! His preferred method of getting around is still crawling, but he does have random moments throughout the day when he decides to walk.

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