Friday, March 27, 2009

Colton Update #2,999,999

It appears that Colton is beginning to understand the whole cause and effect thing. As in: when I cry, Mommy gives me a) a bottle, b) a new diaper, c) a binky, or d) cuddle time or attention. The other day he woke up from his nap early, and since it wasn't time for him to eat again yet and I wanted to finish getting some things done around the house, I put him down in the Pack 'n Play. After about a minute, Colton starts turning his head in my direction to make sure I'm watching him from the kitchen and then bursts into tears. This continues for another five minutes at least, until he realizes I'm not coming to get him and gives up and begins playing with his toys. Clever little boy.

For us to get through mealtime, I have to give him his own spoon to hold and play with. Somehow I manage to get spoonfuls of food into his mouth between him chewing on the other spoon and banging it around. It can be so frustrating. But I've figured out that he is just not that into rice cereal anymore. I don't blame him. I wouldn't be either. He'd rather smear it all over his face and the high chair tray. Colton is also getting the hang of his sippy cup much better. He'll grab one handle and drag it towards him, moving it around a little until the spout has made its way into his mouth.

Whoever thought that giving pureed meats to a baby was a good idea? I can assure you, they've never had to change my son's diaper after he's thoroughly digested that stuff. The smell is enough to peel the paint off of the walls. And what is with Colton screaming bloody murder when I'm cleaning his face with a wipe or washcloth, but it doesn't faze him when I am almost literally scraping the gunk off his behind??

At least he doesn't give me a hard time about naps or bedtime. Every day around noon, I'll rock Colton to sleep in the glider for his afternoon nap. It only takes about two minutes before he's completely out, then I put him down in the crib and he'll usually sleep for a couple of hours. My favorite part of the day is when he falls asleep in my arms that way; he's so warm and snugly that I could just take a nap right there with him! But I don't. I use that time to get some cleaning and laundry done, bah.

It looks like now he's actually kind of walking in the walker to get around, instead of just "pushing off". It is hilarious to watch him come speeding down the hallway towards me or the dog, smiling and squealing the whole way. I really have to get that on video sometime. Colton can also bear weight on his legs if you hold him in a standing position. I know he probably won't start standing up on his own for a few more months. Then we'll really have to baby proof!

Of course, what post would be complete without some pictures of the little guy??

Sitting on the table at Grandma's

He had a blast this morning playing with the near-empty carton of Silk.

By George, he's got it!
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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Seven Months

I can't believe we're at the seven month mark already! Before I know it, I'll be sending out invitations for Colton's first birthday party.

It seems like his sixth month was a lot shorter than all the previous ones, just because he turned 6 months old in February and we always "get cheated" out of two days since it ends on the 28th. Nonetheless, Colton seemed to grow and develop more during his sixth month than any other.

Our little boy is now sitting up without assistance, which makes playtime so much more fun (for him and for me!). I dragged the Pack 'n Play out of the garage and set it up so he can sit in there and play to his heart's content. It's much softer (and safer) than spreading out a blanket on the rug in the living room and plopping him down. Colton has also become really good at reaching for and grabbing exactly what he wants. He's rocking his "Learning Toolbox" and gets really excited when he pulls the lever that plays all the music. That never seems to get old. To him anyway. I can't tell you how many times a day I've heard the Alphabet Song.

He loves to scoot around in his walker and chase Tess all over the house. He's getting pretty fast and can go from the dining room to our bedroom in no time. Colton adores the dog and shrieks with delight whenever she comes near him. She's a good sport and lets him pull on her ears and grab her fur. He also loves when Gregg plays Peek-a-boo with him and makes funny noises. He really likes the wind up to whatever noise comes next. Nothing can make him laugh like his daddy.

Colton's figuring things out during mealtime, too. I introduced him to the sippy cup and mostly he enjoys just chewing on the handles, but once in a while he does recognize that he needs to bring the spout up to his mouth in order to get the delicious juice inside. He also bangs it around on the table and highchair tray. So far he's tried Puffs, Cheerios, and those biter biscuits. He likes the biscuits best because they're easier to hold (and probably taste better). He can grab the other things, but rarely actually gets them in his mouth. They usually end up either stuck to his hand or on the floor.

He's still pretty even tempered, but he has started to assert his own independence. Especially during feedings. He insists on holding the spoon and has a mini- meltdown if you take the spoon away. So he gets one to play with, and I feed him with another. Colton will definitely let me know if he is finished eating or doesn't like what I'm trying to give him. The battle of the wills is beginning!

During this last month, he started moving around a lot more also. The baby bathtub now has to be used exclusively in the bathroom, because he'll kick water everywhere in the kitchen. He twists and turns on the changing table so much that it's hard to get his diaper on! Now I know why they made those changing pad straps. Oh, and Colton can also grab the tabs and pull them off now (not that he actually knows what he's doing yet). I always have to have a toy available to give him so that his hands are occupied. He puts up a fuss when I hold his feet together, too. Sorry, but that poo has to be wiped off somehow!

Colton has these little "conversations" with his toys. He was babbling considerably before, but now there's inflection in that babble. It is so adorable! But the biggest triumph of all... he can tolerate being on his tummy for at least twenty minutes!! So he may actually crawl someday after all. While on his tummy, Colton pushes himself up and reaches for toys. I am so proud of him. I'm excited to see what this next month has in store!

Playing on his tummy!

Sitting up in the Pack 'n Play.

Enjoying his yummy biscuit.

He was absolutely enthralled with the laundry basket one day. Who needs toys, right?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I have always been amazed at the miracle of conception and birth. It is so fascinating and just incredible. Now that I have a child of my own, I am even more in awe of the whole thing. The fact that Colton was once this tiny cluster of cells that divided and eventually formed into a baby... it's awesome. Before November 29, 2007 (or thereabouts) he didn't exist. He was just a thought, a dream. And then he was created and became a human being, with all this capacity for learning and potential to do great things.

I am even more amazed and continually thankful that he is healthy. That everything developed over those nine months just as it should. A few months ago, I stumbled across a blog of a young mother who lost her newborn son just minutes after he was born because of a rare genetic disorder. Her story has forever changed the way I look at my child. This mom is the same age as me, whose son was due almost three months after Colton. While I was picking out paint and furniture for our nursery, she was choosing a casket and burial plot for her little boy. While I was recognizing my son's two month "birthday", she was grieving the loss of hers and all the birthdays that would never come to pass.

In her posts, she talks about wanting her son's short life here on earth to matter. He may have only lived a mere 16 minutes, but his life did have meaning. It had weight. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for giving me a perfectly healthy son, who hasn't had anything more than a cold since he was born. Yet it can be so easily taken for granted. I know now that some parents don't get to take their babies home from the hospital. That instead of planning for the most wonderful time in their lives, they have to prepare to face the most indescribable grief and pain.

I am so grateful for my little miracle.

Check back for another update on what Colton has been doing lately in the "Seven Months" post coming soon! More pictures will be posted also.