Saturday, November 14, 2009

15 Months

Colton is 15 months old today! He's leaving the baby behind and turning into a little boy right before my eyes. I think he'll be walking by himself very soon. It seems every chance he gets, he grabs something and starts walking with it across the room. I remember not too long ago when Colton was so afraid to even hold onto a push toy. He can also stand by himself for several seconds, though he's not too crazy about the idea. Once he realizes that he's doing it, he'll immediately looks for something to grab ahold of or just plops down on the floor for safety.

Colton likes to reach up on his tippy toes and touch door knobs now. He has an endless fascination with those, as well as the kitchen garbage can and of course the dog's water dish. Really, who needs toys when you have these items?? Another favorite thing of his is taking all the diaper changing supplies out and climbing into the compartment once it's empty. It's the perfect little space for him.

Our little guy is chattering up a storm these days. He still talks gibberish, but it's actually starting to sound almost like real words. He is always trying to carry on a conversation with us. Colton also waves when you say "goodbye", and claps his hands when you say "yay". It is the cutest thing! And he's become quite the chick magnet, too. Women young and old ooh and ah over how adorable he is, and he just smiles and waves at them like he's eating up the attention. People tell me he's going to be a heartbreaker.

Colton is up to four teeth now! His two front ones came in this past month, and now he looks like Sponge Bob. It appears that a couple more are starting to make their way through the gums on top, also. It's fun to hear him crunching away on snacks.

On Monday evening, Colton goes for his 15 month well visit. There will be a post up soon about how that goes! I'm anxious to see how much he grew these last three months.

Here are some recent pictures:

Playing in the changing table!

Walking with his push toy like he was born to do it

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