Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What Colton Has Been Up To Lately

After such a big milestone as turning 6 months old, little Coltie has been adding even more skills to his repertoire. He can now sit up unassisted for several minutes! I have to put him in the sitting position in the first place, however. He is babbling more and more- to his toys, hands, and binky. Colton constantly takes the binky out of his mouth to examine it and then attempts to put it back in (he usually ends up placing it backwards or upside down).

He has now tried all of the Stage 1 fruits and vegetables, so we moved him onto Stage 2 which includes... meat! Who knew you could puree roast beef in its own gravy and call it a meal? It looks and smells oh so appetizing, too. Colton isn't really thrilled with it yet either. :)

Our little boy is still sleeping great- three naps a day, plus 11-12 hours at night. It's a parent's dream! Coltie has so much hair now, also. Gregg keeps saying we'll need to take him for a haircut soon. It's kind of a dirty blonde, and depending on the light he can look more blonde or brunette. Still has those amazing blue eyes.

Here are some of my recent favorite pictures:

Colton thought it would be fun to turn the oatmeal bowl over and proceed to dump it all over himself and the high chair. What a mess!

He could just watch Tess all day long. She likes to bring her toys into his play space.

Staring off into his glorious future.

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