Today our baby boy turns eight months old. He is definitely not a helpless little infant anymore.
He started feeding himself Puffs and Cheerios a couple of weeks ago and is now a pro at it. He can pick up his sippy cup in both hands with no problem and slurps the juice vigorously as it dribbles down his chin and onto his bib. Colton continues to grab the spoon away from me at the beginning of every mealtime. He loves waving it around and chewing on it, while I feed him with another. I think it may be time to introduce more finger foods because he doesn't seem too interested in eating what's offered on the spoon.
He can now pass an object from one hand to another effortlessly and understands that when a toy falls on the floor or rolls out of his sight, it hasn't disappeared. Our little guy finds his binky after it's gotten lost somewhere in his crib and pops it back in his mouth. He's a smarty.
He's begun protesting in the mornings and evenings when I get him dressed. He gets all worked up and it can be really stressful to change him in and out of clothes. As soon as I pick him up off the changing table, he's just fine and dandy though! Colton has certainly learned how to voice his opinion and say (in the only way he knows how) "I don't like that, Mommy!"
On the flip side, he has also learned how to show his affection by reaching out to touch mine and his daddy's faces. Sometimes he'll grab my cheek or hair just to see what will happen. He doesn't understand the word no yet. Sigh.
Colton's still getting over his cold from last week. He's got a runny nose, but sleeps through the night okay thanks to the makers of Vicks!
Here are some more cute pictures of him over the last month, including a couple from Colton's first Easter:
Practicing his new skill of picking up Cheerios.
Who is the fairest baby of all?
Colton says, "Happy Easter!"
He couldn't resist chewing on the bunny.